Anderson Weekly Herald from Anderson, Indiana (2024)

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Anderson Weekly Heraldi

Anderson, Indiana

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AND KLY AM BIGHT TRACKING NerHta Mweea NMh art Teeth Several Most Unusual BETTER THAN USUAL SHOWING DRESS GINGHAMS DOUBLE TRACK IS NEEDED 8 Our Spring ashion air eaturing with Garments or the Misses Besides the Suit i Shoes for The Latest Suitings all the Comfort Opens with One Simple Motion extra $100 If you buy a well made 5o in PROTO WILL LEAVE Missionary As a Couch' for Ladies and CHENEY SELLS Changing to Bed A Smooth Perfect Bed The Banner Meridian between Ninth and Tenth The Banner Store Meridian between Nmtliv and Tenth GORDON HOGGED jco If noo Mackerel 10c 15c 25c each riinitton iriiiri nv COURT RECORD Jtwtm tract Mon 100 MtMMtr A Get up well and yog will see Shoes for Style and Long Wear you eat can eat some meat perhaps of the follow to Chicago the Mooclv Shoes all sizes any leather and priced at $300 $350 and $4 Gen Manager Nicholl and Supt of Roadway Sparks Before Commissioners the' col thc O'NEILL SURETY OB CARPER lit you will have but there are many things to consider in securing such a fit besides the mere matter of size and ask our expert shoe fitter to show and you with our latest Ox fords for Spring and you will know In addition to the suits we are showing a wonderfully complete line of coats costumes capes skirts jackets and waists from the very plainest and inexpensive to the most elaborate affairs for' afternoon evening or opera wear' Dorothy Dodd Shoes for Women best made $3 to $4 We are now prepared to show you a splen did line of separate Spring Jackets for miss es and the or dresses fail to look at them in 8 to 20 year sizes aad wife farm Corded Bnehins's silk' in white and (mi nis silver and gold at 15c and the silk at 10c each Anderson Scotch Zephyr Ginghams 25c Beaniifnl Hi i vicenbli fabrics that look as good as slim mer silks and the colors are so permanent that no others have even approached tln ii nearly a hundred new IHIO patterns to choose 32 inches wide Goes to Chicago to Enter ield WABRUNTI HEEDS PUT DN RECORD Embroidery Values L'he new 19 JO patterns arc more beautiful and in greater variety than ever and the ones we have will cost you much less than you'll have to pay anywhere else 10c or Embroideries Worth Up to 20c a Yard and its a large line ol cambric edges and bands to choose ironi Edges are in widths 5 10 in and bands are np to 4 in 4 23c or Embroideries Worth 30c these ary very handsome and patterns corset cover widths both in Swiss and cambric and jniglity good values at 30c 39c or Embroideries Worth this lot is all deep swiss Houneings in the new est and' most desirable patterns bands to match at J9e and up 49c or Embroideries Worth 65c a fine lot of the new designs and more elabo rate patterns swiss tiuiinemgs and have bands tn match This is the very latest idea in needlework and presents some very novel and desirable designs in the following pieces: Library Covers Design is stenciled or homespun linen for out dine or solid embroidery wit heavy lustre Pillow Tops Stenciled mi homespun linen brown for mil line or solid eni bi oidei with heavy mm's lustre both are in oblong ami square back's to match for 50c Stamped Corset Covers Material is a fine quality of nainsook in assorted patterns and at only 50c HEYBURN ER THAN QIL 10c Toweling for 8 17 inches wide an extra quality bleached union toweling special at only 8 3c 12 2c Towelings lor 10c lb inches wide a heavy all linen unbleached absorbent spec ial for tliree days only lO'c 15c Bansley Toweling for 12 2c Two lines a bleached and an unbleached heavy all linerf smooth and absorbent 18 inches wide 3: 15c Bansley Toweing for 12 A very smooth all linen blenched quality in plain white and with double stripe border 17 inches wide special 12 2c 50c Table Linen for 39c 64 idi Ik's wide an extra heavy union Damask' largo line of new patterns special for three days only 39c a yard 1 60c Table Linen for 49c This is a good weight Damask wo yards wide in good as sortment of patterns half bleached special 49c The Banner Meridian between Ninth and Tenth GROCER 1010 MERIDIAN STREET A id 'J BETWEEN INDIANAPOLIS AND CONTRACT LET OR WORK ON THE YORKTOWN ROAD Daniel Protolf is going where lie will lecture in Institute and will do missionary work among the loreign element in that victnlfv lor a few weeks His last sermon will be next'Sun day morning at tile Christian Alli ance cnuicn ue win lecture in evening al Irvington at Butler lege This will be especially Tor Butler students Jlr Proloff has been lecturtni seyeiul weeks before church organiz ations and lie is said io ho a Jormer Russian orthodox priesl 15c or Ginghams Worth 17c These would be exceptionally good values at 17c they are Ihe well known linen finished chambrays 32 inches wide and shown in all plain colors and neat cheeks of black and white 121c or Ginghams Worth 15c This price embraces the very best standard makes and showing an unusually: wide range of patterns in the 1911) for permanency of colors and all 'rounderviee these can't be equalled at 1 lie price 3c or Ginghams Worth 10c a Yard At jirieo wo show small checks and fancy plaids all are new ID 1 0 efi'eets and the cloth is tt very excellent qual ity 27 inches wide Something for You The varietv of styles fabrics and colors in eludes just' the suits tor your very style and taste the size that will fit you perfectly too We waul you to these gar 1 mens and see for yourself the pronounced irdividuality and distinction which is a part el them i in the all he They Will Go to Los Angeles to Make Their Home John (Jipiipv has sold his twen ty arm trad In Lafavetle town rihip'io Janies Scybert and the Che noys will go to I os Angeles to make their home Mi Cheney has been with the I ruction company in a re Hponsjble position Qualities and values ahead oL anything seen BUPT8 ILED i 1 L' Superior Court John Camody vs Margaret Car mody diverse Kittinger A Diven attorneys Cause Mo 7319 Space on docket reserved for Bills A Ellison ftlreult Court No oomptamta tllPd yeatarday well said the when coal oil sold at 4) while whiskey was cents It was good The late creations for embellishing suits costumes dainty dresses art mar xels of richness gold and silvex effects bemg the most sought Me do not think von will see such choice patterns nor such reasonable prices nt any other store Cloth ot Gold' 18 inches wide at only $150 a yard Gold Net 24 inches wide (nr prii $225 a yard Silver Embroidered Net 19 in wide $250 and $300 a yard bands (o match Gold Embroidered Net 19 inches wide nt $175 to $300 a yard bands to match Embroidered Bands of nearly any wanted shade Shown in silk and tinsel at from 35c to $150 a yard Baby Irish All Over Laces white and ream for $150 to $250 a yard bands to a Wgrronty rAHlk fiUd with tt(9 county rucurour yeaferday went: pMU ft to Effie new popular weaves rench Serge This is an extra quality all wool with very fine twill finish with a lustre similar to silk reseda and (link green ted tan grey and black 44 in and 16 in an extra value at Grev A splendid all wool heavy diagonal weave and a plain weave with self colored invisible checks 52 in wide a yatd only $100 Diagonal has proved one of the greatest favorites forvsuits or coats dark green Copenhagen navy and 5(1 ill will heller than the average at this price $150 All Wool Serge A fine twill in black tan and Copenhagen 42 in wide at 89c the same all wool not quite so wide every wanted color besides cream and black at 59c ancy Suitings All wool and fine worsted yarns neat self colored woven stripes large line of colors tn 1910 styles also navy brown and black with white hairline stripes spcettil at 59c andl 65c Special Notion Values THE BANNER i The Newest Ideas in Swell Dre ssTrimmings 25c Tooth Powder for 19c We have two (litferent makes nt this price Dr Lyons either one is good in fact there is little dillnt enee rr none better at the price Oe Rachpt Pnwrlcr for 10c The amous Eastman Sachet Powders carnation crushed rose violet and heliotrope put up in fancy glass via tw days only at 10c 50c and $100 Belts for 35c A tine lot of belts of leather elastic and fiitic Persian vvebs in colors and blm special for closing 35c 25c Stock Collars for Two lines of these collars fo close out one in lace and white near linen the other trimmed fancy braids either for 12c 50c Back Combs for 35c Pour different styles of these jet black combs and several si vies in 25 jet black ones at only 17c A Ing: Salt lckled Herring illet at Herring In wine sauce illet ot at Herring In Bouillon Kippered Herring without tomato sauce vt Boiled Mackerel in Jelly Peeled and bouelfss Sardines in oil Norway Smoked Sardines in oil Norway Sardines in mustard Sardines At La Bordelaise rench Sardines with Truffles ShrimiL dry Packed Lobsters in 3 'she tins Smoked and dried fillet of herring Codfish in packages or glass Salmon from 10c can up Headquarters for Bealshjnt' Oy stera Bow aM DUI Pickles P18 Urt and Head Joseph A Crawford to Louisa i Crawford Jots Evalyn add Anderson rank Skinner and wlte to I ota Hogue lot Park add lAnderson Jesse I ocke und wite to Cynthia Ellen Dent lot Park add Anderson l10t) Lucv Dillman et al toJohn Hughes and wlte lot I tlJUluil i vv cial club is really unable to open it as the mechanical parrs are out of Sherin Mountain lias as not decided what will be done in regard to the safe at the Carper Social Club I nt the matter wd! probably be referred to the club receiver hrank Matthews who turn will expect an action from court Carper yesterday visited h(3 vUxrwi i gftle oltv find liaa little to sav in regard to his I 'arrest and the affairs of the social i RETURNING SENATOR () I III) 1 Carper Active Sick Man i APIIUUKII carper rewuuy won iri poiieij io lx taiuiiy ih uwuiw to be able to go about where he i desires tn and olvAii no Indication TAKEN BY ATTORENY 8HER 1 that he is about to DOM out The arrest of Carper was on DID NOT ACCEPT CHINESE I grand jury Indictment charging him ija with conducting a blAi tiger i RINS HE SAYS piioAY MARCH 11119 THE most interesting feature of this Spring ashion Show is the complete exhibit of beautiful new Suits Our Garment Section has never been graced with such attractive styles each one of which is being fairiy showered with admiration by alivho sec thenx By LeMsSO WIREI UARPI AR I ICEMSES I Mch io au rwrerwew rv warn UVlUg W111VQ BUQ HUU1BVU BUU I Tr a Mmw amm I hv mn wntnam and Joe Carper proprietor of jhe Car rmsIr TJndemood I during a visit to hia relatives here per goetaJ Club who was arrested I A retiring United States Senator Jamas VTedneaday afternoon by Sheriff I both of MACiaott county were Gordon of Mississippi retired to ths Motmtata yeeterday furnished 5U0 1 granted marriage license yesterday I simple life today but agMn ialksd Mni with M' Neil i as surety i to entertain Hatsners with chapter Gonpra1 Manager Nicholl and Su perintendent ot Roadway Sparks of the Indiana Traction company have been before the commissioners ot Delaware county to look after the interests of the company in the mat ter of allowing the contract for the paving of Kilgore avenue in Muncie and the macadamizing of the York town road William Birch a Mun He contractor was awarded the con tract for the improvement ot the road at $22900 Speaking of the appearance of the officials ot the road before the coin nnssioners of Delaware county the Draction company stales that it is rhe hope and purpose ot the company I eventually to double track their road between Indianapolis and Muncie and at the points aiTucied a wider road I wav is needed than the company now I owns ami the company seeks io gel lihingH in condition lor the double i tracking when the limo comes for the proposed work i According to its franchise Mun cie the traet'im comp uiv must pave between its nHa and tor eighteen inches on Hlln idd In the im provement of (he Yorktown road it is proposed great I to widen this thoroughfare and the traction com pany also favors this saying that owing to the demand of' pat runs lor increased speed it is the desire and intention of the company to estab lish double tracks between I 'and Indianapolis It may be several vears before the double tracking is done but that it will come is not denied and the new bridges that are being put in along the Indianapolis Muncie division arc taken bv the public as a preparation i for the bigger work later There is not a road in the state perhaps with heavier traffic than the Indianapolis Muncie division of the Indiana Union Traction company and the recently added express service i and the growing freight business also I make it imperative that little time I be lost in switching and waiting to pass at side tracks Wnh both the Traction and Big Pour companies double tracked from here to Indianapolis Anderson will be a much favored city in splendid 1 transportation GOING TO MORGAN Mr and Mm A Lemons of lor ida have shipped their household goods to Morgan county where they will make their home having sold their property at lorida including a general store Mr and Mrs Eliza Dunham have gone toMorgan coun ty to spend a week with them in their: new home Something New Arts and Crafts Needlework WK mwooUMw Towelings and Table Linen priced cheaper that coal oil at 40 centter gallon I can sneaker cents a gallon nnrrtin BlriT selling at jo II UULlZIlILnl I whiskey too' added the Colonel Ul IlltulUtll I I Taft and Heyburn vuiuiwi uuruon void now no rau broken into the United States senate I He that (he speech which had WENT i attracted such widespread comment hid IhaTI I VirozI Willi im utiok in SMILINGLY INTO SIMPLE LIE tention weAwMAAw ma'1 uiRui aI 1 aidn 1 mean to do ir he said YESTERDAY HIS VIEW i when that large portlv gentle rHfio mn our beloved President cam ini' and rTnhrapai ntA 1A1V OI1SV1 IL BO over I knew 1 had done something in the senate after all Even Sena tor Heyburn ot Idaho came forward and shook my hand after I had in vltad him to pay a visit to my Mis gtssippl home Gentlemen Heyburn is all right you must not think toe hard of him It was his environ men that warped his views of the South He has been living up there in Ida ho on an Iceberg with nothing more than the Aurora Borealis to enlightet blta about the South 'mat's th reaeou i invited him to come dowi and see for III 9 f'V 09 Dr Graves and MowUayea 'ftj.

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Anderson Weekly Herald from Anderson, Indiana (2024)


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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.